Cultures of Translation: Practices of Adaptation and Translation in the Slavic Cultures between the Fourteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries
Dates: | 16 May 2014 |
Times: | 09:30 - 16:00 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
This workshop explores the cultural specificities and implications of shifting translation practices in the Southern and Eastern Slavic world between the 14th and 18th centuries, drawing attention to the role of Slavic cultures in the transition from the medieval and the pre-modern period.
9.40-10.45: Cultural Shifts in Translation and Adaptation: From Apocalyptic Texts to Medical Discourse
Prof. Anisava Miltenova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): The afterlife of Greek Apocalyptic in the medieval Bulgarian literature
Dr Clare Griffin (Cambridge University): Unseen Editors: The importance of Latin-Russian translators in the exchange of medical knowledge in seventeenth-century Russia.
10.45-11.00: Break
11.00-12.05: Byzantine Hagiography in Translation Among the Southern Slavs
Dr Diana Atanassova (The University of Sofia): Menologium, reading and the formation of a hagiographic canon in the South Slavic literary tradition
Lilly Stammler (Oxford University): One spiritually beneficial tale from the Life of Andrew the Fool in South Slavonic translation Lunch Break
13.10-14.10: Digital Projects Presentations and Discussion
Dr Margaret Dimitrova (The University of Sofia): The e-Encyclopedia Slavica Sanctorum: Results and Desiderata
Prof. Anisava Miltenova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Dynamics of Slavonic Translations: Repertorium Intitiative:
Dr Maria Haralambakis (The University of Manchester): The Rylands Gaster Collection and digitalisation'
Dr Diana Atanassova (The University of Sofia): The Digital Edition of Medieval Slavic Manuscripts (Hagioslavica project): Challenges
14.10-14.30: Break
14.30-15.35: Modes of Translation: Exegesis and Etymologies
Dr Margaret Dimitrova (The University of Sofia): Translating etymologies in Theodoret Of Cyrrhus’ Commentaries on the Biblical Book of the Song of Solomon: A medieval South Slavonic Translation and its use in Constantine of Kostenets’s original compositions
Dr Adelina Angusheva-Tihanov (The University of Manchester): Translatabity of genres: Apologetic exegesis and liturgical rhetoric in the late medieval Slavic milieu
15.40-16.00: Final Discussion
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