Jingran Yu - A Better Experience, or a Better Investment? A Case Study of Chinese Students at a British Branch Campus in China [Early Career Researcher Workshop]
Dates: | 25 February 2021 |
Times: | 12:30 - 13:30 |
What is it: | Webinar |
Organiser: | Manchester China Institute |
How much: | Free |
Speaker: | Dr Jingran Yu |
With public higher education funding being repeatedly cut, UK universities have been extending their market within international students’ home countries through transnational education (TNE). Despite its growing presence and increasing importance, TNE has hitherto been an under-researched topic, particularly in China, the country hosting the highest number of UK TNE students.
This research offers insights into TNE students’ perceptions and experiences by examining the findings from a case study of the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China (UNNC). At UNNC, the profit-making agenda on the UK side and the nation-building determination on the Chinese side sometimes converge yet also, at times, collide. The study argues that the UK’s profit-making agenda is veiled by the symbolic power whilst China’s nation-building efforts have driven students further away. As a result, TNE contributes to symbolic violence in the hierarchically structured global field of higher education.
Dr Jingran Yu
Role: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Sociology
Organisation: Research Centre for Higher Education, Southern University of Science and Technology
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