Quantum materials: the challenge of the second quantum revolution
Dates: | 1 June 2022 |
Times: | 13:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Photon Science Institute |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: | Professor David Jamieson |
Join us for this PSI seminar with guest speaker Professor David Jamieson. A quantum computer with a billion qubits would have revolutionary capabilities including, potentially, quantum mechanical drug design or discovering new pathways to fusion power. At present quantum computer technology is approaching Preskill’s “Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum” era with experimental ~100 qubit machines made available by corporations and research
institutes. Most of these machines employ transmons or flux qubits with the common feature that they are physically large (10 to 100µm) and readily engineered with present-day techniques. In classical computer technology, processors with billions of circuit elements require nanoscale transistors. Migrating this technology into the quantum domain could potentially deliver a billion-qubit device incorporating error-correction strategies where robust logical qubits are encoded in clusters of physical qubits. Our approach to this problem is to employ deterministic ion implantation to configure isotopically pure silicon substrates, depleted in the 29-Si isotope which has a decoherence-inducing spin-half nucleus. We have developed a method to deplete this isotope and implant single atom arrays employing ion implantation. We deploy an on-chip detector electrode system with 70 eV root-mean-square noise (?20 electrons) is employed to demonstrate near-room-temperature implantation of single 31-P donors. The physics model for the ion–solid interaction shows an unprecedented upper-bound single-ion-detection confidence of 99.85 ± 0.02% for near-surface implants. As a result, the practical controlled silicon doping yield is limited by materials engineering factors. We plan to employ this method to exploit the demonstrated long lived donor quantum states we have obtained from single donor devices fabricated by Poissonian techniques to construct a large-scale device based on deterministic ion implantation.
Professor David Jamieson
Organisation: University of Melbourne
Biography: David is a Professor of Physics at the University of Melbourne where he was Head of the School 2008-13. He has a PhD from Melbourne and held postdoctoral fellowships at Caltech (USA) and the University of Oxford (UK). He was President of the Australian Institute of Physics from 2005-6. His research expertise in the field of ion beam physics applied to test some of the key functions of a revolutionary quantum computer constructed in silicon in the ARC Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology. In 2020 he received a Royal Society Wolfson Visiting Fellowship to work on new ideas for engineering silicon with single atoms. He gives the occasional public lecture on fundamental issues in Physics.
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