CIDRAL Theory Intensive: On Marx (with Bob Jessop, Lancaster)
Dates: | 6 November 2014 |
Times: | 12:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The time for this event is 12-2pm as listed here online (not 2-4pm as listed on poster).
Theory Intensive on Marx with Bob Jessop (Lancaster)
This theory intensive will will assume familiarity with The Manifesto of the Communist Party and with the 1859 Preface to the Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. For those who have not read them, these are recommended readings. The aim of the workshop is to persuade the participants that these are two of the least useful introductions to the work of Marx and to point instead to the continuing significance of Marx’s analysis of the historical specificity of the capitalist mode of production, including its relevance to the recent North Atlantic Financial Crisis.
Marx, Karl, 'The General Formula of Capital' in Capital, Vol I (London: Penguin in Books in association with New Left Review, 1976), pp. 247-257
Marx, Karl, 'Interest-Bearing Capital' in Capital, Vol III (London: Penguin in Books in association with New Left Review, 1976), pp. 247-257
To download the readings, please follow this link:
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