Theory and practice of community engagement in a complex intervention - implications from the AMP programme
Dates: | 21 February 2012 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Speaker: Dr Jon Lamb, Primary Care Group, University of Manchester
Further details:
In common with other chronic conditions, depression and anxiety often involve complex biopsychosocial dynamics in their aetiology. This can impact access, engagement in treatment and health outcomes. Such problems are frequently encountered by hard to reach, or minority groups, living in deprived areas bringing additional challenges for access interventions. The AMP programme developed and tested a complex intervention combining primary care training and tailored psychosocial interventions with community engagement. The presentation will explore experiences from the design, implementation and evaluation of work with the South Asian community in Longsight, Manchester. This suggests some important considerations for developing community engagement strategies particular to the context of complex interventions.
All welcome. No booking necessary.
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Seminar Room 2
Williamson Building