Join us at the Institute for Health Policy and Organisation (IHPO) seminar series on 24 March.
Zoom Recording:
The Culture and Leadership Programme (CLP) is a national programme which seeks to shape leadership and culture in NHS Trusts in England, through a phased organisational approach. There is a particular focus on inclusion and compassion.
We conducted a developmental evaluation of the CLP which also incorporated aspects of theory of change and realist evaluation. We sought to understand how the CLP was being implemented, the support and resources needed to effectively implement the programme, and what impact the programme was having on leadership, behaviours, and more broadly, culture itself – were there new cultural norms reflecting compassionate and inclusive leadership? The evaluation also solicited how diverse and inclusive cultures could be made more prominent, and how to optimise regional support in a national programme. Fieldwork was undertaken prior to March 2020, but we delivered our final report amidst the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this seminar, we will describe our evaluation methods, then present our insights into the different approaches organisations may take with regard to engagement, inclusion, implementation and leadership of their culture and leadership change efforts. We will also consider possible implications for implementing leadership and culture change post-Covid-19.
We will conduct the discussion part of the seminar as a ‘virtual fishbowl’, so that seminar attenders can experience this technique, which we used during the evaluation. Members of the evaluation team will share their insights and learning about the evaluation process, leadership and culture change, and translating evaluation findings during a pandemic.
Jackie Kilbane is Lecturer in Healthcare Leadership at Alliance Manchester Business School. She is Deputy Programme Director for 'the Anderson' MSc in healthcare leadership and has led a number of evaluations of leadership development programmes. She has interests in culture change, inclusive leadership and organisational dynamics.
Deborah Davidson is a Senior Fellow in Organisational Development and Leadership, and Director of Education & Learning and at the Health Services Management Centre. Deborah’s research focuses on developmental improvements in the quality and capability of public services that make a difference to end users and diverse communities. Deborah specialises in:
• Organisational development and change in the public services
• Patient/Service User experience
• Theory of change evaluation methodology
• Leadership development (clinical and managerial)
Alan Boyd is a Research Fellow in Healthcare and Public Sector Management at Alliance Manchester Business School. His research interests include evaluation methods, and the regulation, governance and improvement of health and social care services. He is currently working on a scoping study on the role of health and social care providers in addressing “system” issues, such as health inequalities.
Karen Shawhan is a Lecturer in Healthcare Management and Leadership at Alliance Manchester Business School. She teaches on the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme and is leading the development of a Senior Leader Apprenticeship Programme. Her interests include leadership evaluation and ethical leadership.
Sue Jones is an Executive Associate at AMBS and works as an organisational psychologist from her own independent practice. She has a particular interest in organisational culture and specifically how leaders can enhance engagement and self determination in ways which enhance positive experiences of work and services. Sue is currently working with a range of organisations and individuals to do just that.
Kelly Singh is an Evaluation Fellow at the Health Services Management Centre and a member of the BRACE Rapid Evaluation Centre. Her research interests include person-centred care, health service delivery and patient and service user experience and involvement.