The 'Data Science and AI for Translational Digital Health' sandpit is a two-day event scheduled to take place from 12.00 to 14.00 on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 September.
Please note that this is one event across two days and participants are expected to attend on both days.
The Universities of Manchester, Melbourne and Toronto have established a new International Centre for Translational Digital Health. The announcement follows the signing of a Strategic Alliance between the three institutions in 2021, and represents the first steps in expanding the relationship – enhancing cooperation between academics on three continents.
This sandpit provides an exciting opportunity to utilise this alliance to develop proposals in transitional digital health.
The Turing-Manchester sandpits are designed for researchers, public, private and third sector participants* with interest in translational digital health to help identify research challenges and support the development of ideas with a view to fostering research proposals.
Participants will develop proposals over the two days and our review panel will award funding for a number of short feasibility studies (estimated around £10k per successful proposal).
Please note: the final end date for expenditure on these projects will be 31 March 2022. We advise that you bear this in mind from an early stage, especially when considering how projects will be resourced.
- Please also note that due to the nature of this funding, each funded project must be led by a researcher from The University of Manchester and funding cannot be directly transferred to an external organisation.
Intellectual Property rights will be subject to terms and conditions as agreed between the Alan Turing Institute and The University of Manchester.
Please feel free to share this invitation with suitable collaborators.
Through our partnership with the Alan Turing Institute, The University of Manchester’s Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI) has hosted a number of ‘sandpit’ events in 2021 and 2022.
This event has been organised by IDSAI and The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for health technology research and innovation.
IDSAI is one of The University of Manchester's Digital Futures network themes.
Register online via Eventbrite