Exploring Patient Safety
About the event:
Have Your Say…
What should never happen at your GP surgery?
Patient safety is a top priority in the NHS. We want to hear your views about this important topic and explore what can be done to prevent harm in primary care (for example GP surgeries).
This event will explain what the ‘Greater Manchester Patient Safety Centre’ is working on across Greater Manchester and ask for your input into our research and future plans.
Everyone is welcome to our event. No background knowledge or expertise is required. We look forward to hearing your views.
There are limited places, so booking advised. Please use Eventbrite to register
Free event. Refreshments served from 3.30pm.
For more information please visit our website or call +44(0)161 275 7642
Prof Stephen Campbell
Role: Centre Director: NIHR Greater Manchester Primary Care Patient Safety Translational Research Centre
Organisation: Institute of Population Health
Dr Bella Starling
Role: Director of Public Programmes
Organisation: NOWGEN
Sudeh Cheraghi-sohi
Role: Research Fellow
Organisation: Institute of Population Health
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Kanaris Theatre
Manchester Museum
Oxford Road
Phone: 0161-2752648
Email: museum@manchester.ac.uk