Join us for the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research Seminar Series 22/23, with Michael Keenan, Senior Analyst in the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation.
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Introducing the OECD S&T Policy 2025 project: promoting STI policy transitions to meet the sustainability challenge
The twin crises of COVID-19 and climate change call for an ambitious, wide-ranging, disruptive and visionary STI policy agenda. Reforming STI policy so that it better contributes to sustainability transitions, resilience and inclusivity goals may require altogether different policy frameworks and practices from those commonly used today. Reforms will require revisiting STI policy models, visions, targets and instruments with a view to adapting them or displacing them in favour of others. But various lock-ins hinder reforms of research and innovation systems, including in the field’s institutions, the routines and capabilities of organisations, the data and knowledge infrastructures on which decisions are taken, and the policy interventions that are commonly used. The OECD has recently embarked upon a crosscutting project – S&T Policy 2025 – that aims to help articulate the need for reform and transitions, and outlines ways these could be achieved. While many socio-technical transition timelines are long-term, specific measures will need to be put in place now and in the coming few years to ensure STI policy is on track to realise its potential contributions. The project seeks to determine what these measures should look like and what could be achieved by 2025 through an ambitious policy agenda. The project also encompasses the whole of STI policy, drawing together multiple strands (e.g. on STI funding, technology deployment, human resources, governance, etc.) that can be assembled into a crosscutting, overarching schema to provide a holistic overview of the STI policy landscape in transition.
Speaker Bio:
Michael Keenan is a Senior Analyst in the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. He has worked in the science and innovation policy field for more than two decades, focusing on strategic policy intelligence (foresight, evaluation) practices and national innovation system analysis. He has been at the OECD since 2007, where he leads preparation of the flagship Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook publication. Among other things, the STI Outlook explores some of the main trends and issues that are set to influence science and innovation over the next decade. He also leads the team responsible for the EC-OECD STIP Compass platform, a semantic database of more than 6,000 STI policy initiatives from more than 50 countries. He is also responsible for managing the OECD’s S&T Policy 2025 initiative, which aims to provide an overarching vision and framework for STI policymakers to rethink, redesign and implement a new generation of STI policies that better contributes to sustainability transitions. He previously participated in several OECD reviews of innovation policy, including those of Sweden, Korea, Netherlands, Mexico, Russia, and SE Asia. He is on the advisory boards of the international journals Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Foresight, ???????, and Asian Research Policy. Twitter: @MichaelKeenan68
The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research runs a series of regular seminars given by visiting speakers to Manchester. These seminars are open to anybody who is interested in science, technology and innovation policy and management.