The IET & BCS Turing Lecture 2016 in University Place, University of Manchester. L.T. B from 5.30pm
The Internet of me: It’s all about my screens by Robert Schukai MBE , Head of Applied Innovation, Thomson Reuters
The remarkable adoption of the smart phone globally has completely revolutionised the way we play, work, and live. New applications and services are being created on a nearly daily basis giving us access to global information at the press of a search or a question to Siri.
We now have this exact same power on our wrists as we had on personal computers just a few short years ago. We cannot even imagine a world where we are unconnected and out of touch.
In near parallel, we are living in a world of big data that gets bigger with each passing day. People and machines are generating incredible amounts of content that can be accessed at any time, courtesy of cheap, connected storage.
Thus lies the crux of our information challenge in the future. Data is everywhere. It’s overwhelming. How does one find a true and accurate answer in a sea of knowledge, opinion, disinformation and pure speculation?
Tools like machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence are all billed as ways of mining information to cut through the clutter and deliver answers.
Those answers need to be relevant, contextual, timely, and most importantly, personal on whatever device is handy and appropriate.
This lecture will explore our future in this hyperconnected environment, and how our lives will seamlessly drift into a work-life blur based on a “dayflow” of activity.
The Lecturer will describe the digital trends which are driving this from both a consumer perspective as well as from the service provider and will paint a picture of what this means for our 21st century lives.