Climate Control
We hear about climate change on the news and in the newspapers. Climate change is happening all around us, but this isn’t the time to ignore it, it’s the time to get really, really, creative. Manchester Museum will be staging a series of exhibitions and events for visitors to explore what kind of future they hope for, and what it would take to help make that a reality. A series of exhibitions and events explore the idea that we can’t change the past but we can change the future, and how we can each make a difference to help create the world of our choice. Look out for amazing Polar Bears and other Arctic wildlife, Peppered Moths, tropical frogs, opportunities to rebuild a model Manchester, and a wide range of events and activities for all ages and interests.
The programme is being developed in partnership with the Tyndall Centre and Global Development Institute at the University of Manchester, and Manchester A Certain Future, the city’s climate change agency.
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