MICRA Public Lecture: Holding Back the Years: Living to 150 - Ethical and Social Challenges
Dates: | 23 April 2013 |
Times: | 18:30 - 20:00 |
What is it: | Evening event |
Organiser: | Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA) |
How much: | Free |
Who is it for: | Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public, University staff |
Speaker: | Dr Aubrey de Grey, Prof Jason L. Powell, Dr Sarah Chan |
Dr Aubrey de Grey, author of the book, 'Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime', will present his views on the ethics of radically postponing age-related ill health. Dr. de Grey believes that the key biomedical technology required to eliminate aging-derived debilitation and death entirely is now within reach. Professor Jason Powell and Dr Sarah Chan will then each respond in what is expected to be a lively and challenging debate.
Dr Aubrey de Grey
Role: Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder
Organisation: SENS Research Foundation
Biography: Dr. de Grey is a biomedical gerontologist based in Cambridge, UK and Mountain View, California, USA, who first researched the idea for, and founded, the SRF. He received his BA and Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and 2000 respectively, with his original field being in computer science. Dr. de Grey is Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the American Aging Association, and sits on the editorial and scientific advisory boards of numerous journals and organizations.
Prof Jason L. Powell
Role: Social Justice and Community Practice
Organisation: Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Sarah Chan
Role: Bioethics
Organisation: University of Manchester
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