Manchester Centre for Health Economics Seminar Series
Dates: | 16 September 2013 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Institute of Population Health |
Who is it for: | Adults, Current University students, University staff |
Host: Centre for Health Economics, Institute of Population Health
Title: Economic conditions, neonatal health, and healthcare utilisation
Speaker: Sam Watson (Warwick University)
About the event:
In this paper I examine how economic conditions at the time of an infant's conception affect newborn health and subsequent utilisation of neonatal specialist healthcare. Using national data on 6,791 areas covering England for 2006-11 along with operational clinical data from English neonatal units, I analyse the effects of within and between area changes to the number of unemployment benefit claimants, separating claimants by gender and availability to work, on the absolute number and proportion of infants born at different birth weights and admitted to neonatal care, delineating admissions into a variety of conditions. I then supplement these analyses using national census data for 2011 along with staffing and resourcing survey data from English neonatal units. I find that the number and proportion of infants admitted to neonatal care increased between 2006-11, unemployment led to an increase in infants admitted for certain conditions, however I find little effects of local unemployment on the birth weight distribution of newborns. I also find strong effects of education and marriage. These results provide insight into the link between socioeconomic conditions and newborn health and consequences for healthcare.
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