NVivo for Qualitative Data Analysis (CPD accredited)
Dates: | 22 March 2018 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Short course |
Organiser: | Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research |
Venue opening hours: | 9:45am - 4:30pm |
How much: | £195 (£140 for those from educational, government and charitable institutions)
/ CMI offers up to five subsidised places at a reduced rate of £60 per course day to research staff and students within Humanities at The University of Manchester. These places are awarded in order of application. |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Current University students |
Speaker: | Patty Dornan |
This course will show participants how to use statistical analysis software, in this instance SPSS. In the course, participants will be introduced to the SPSS environment as well as useful key concepts (such as cases, variables, values, and levels of measurement) to perform basic descriptive data analysis. A key component of the course involves getting familiar with basic SPSS data analysis commands in hands-on sessions. By the end of the day, participants will be familiar with the software; know how to open a data file, enter data, and do basic data manipulations; and be able to produce simple descriptive statistics, one- and two-way tables, as well as simple graphs.
This is a foundation course that does not require any previous experience of SPSS and that will provide participants with the appropriate background to progress to other CMIST courses, particularly Introduction to Data Analysis 1 and Introduction to Data Analysis 2.
On completing the course, participants will have covered the following:
How to open and explore datasets.
Key procedures for data manipulation including sub-setting and variable recoding.
Procedures for producing simple descriptive statistics for all or subsets of your cases.
Procedures for producing graphical output.
Price: £195 (£140 for those from educational, government and charitable institutions)
Concessions: CMI offers up to five subsidised places at a reduced rate of £60 per course day to research staff and students within Humanities at The University of Manchester. These places are awarded in order of application.
Patty Dornan
Role: Research Associate
Travel and Contact Information
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Basement Lab
Humanities Bridgeford Street