NewMind Sandpit #4
EPSRC funded NewMind Network for the development of technologies to support & transform the management and treatment of mental health will hold its fourth Sandpit event on 5th & 6th July 2017. The event aims to bring together clinicians, EPS researchers, patient representative groups, mental health charities, service users, NHS organisations, and industry partners to develop ideas and proposals to submit for funding to the NewMind Plus Stage 1 Feasibility Fund.
NewMind plans to award grants for projects that investigate underlying Engineering & Physical Science challenges for technology in the service of Mental Health.
Funding is available in two stages:
• awards for up to 12 exploratory / feasibility projects (~£15k);
• larger grant support (~£45k) for up to four of these initial projects.
A prerequisite of funding is that applicants must attend at least one Sandpit event prior to submitting their proposal, and that it shows strong alignment with the priorities and outcomes contained in the network's Research Roadmap.
Details of how to apply for funding will be made available at the event, together with an outline of the support available to help develop proposals.
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
CP Scott
Chancellors Conference Centre
Moseley Road