Manchester Museum Tour in Italian
Dates: | 9 December 2018 |
Times: | 11:00 - 12:00 |
What is it: | Tour |
Organiser: | Manchester Museum |
Who is it for: | Adults, General public |
Al fine di migliorare l'esperienza dei nostri visitatori internazionali, dal 2018 siamo orgogliosi di offrire tour gratuiti in lingua straniera rivolti a madrelingua e studenti di qualsiasi livello di spagnolo, cinese (mandarino) e italiano.
La visita guidata comprenderá tutte le nostre sale espositive mettendo in risalto in particolare alcuni degli oggetti più importanti delle nostre collezioni; dai fossili del Giurassico agli anfibi in via di estinzione, dalle reliquie dell'Antico Egitto ai tesori di altre culture.
In order to enhance the experience for our international visitors, from 2018 we are proud to offer free foreign language tours aimed at native speakers and students of any level of Spanish, Italian and Mandarin Chinese.
The tours will encompass all of our galleries and highlight some of the most outstanding objects from our varied collections, from Jurassic fossils and endangered reptiles & amphibians, to relics of Ancient Egypt and treasures from other cultures.
If you are interested in a Spanish, Italian or Mandarin tour to learn more about our Museum, its history, and the collections it houses, please see our website for further details and feel free to book your place through the link.
If you do not speak Italian but are still interested in our tours, we also run the same Highlights Tour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2pm in English.
Travel and Contact Information
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Manchester Museum
Manchester Museum
Oxford Road
Phone: 0161-2752648