Short Course: Latent Factor Analysis (intermediate)
Dates: | 29 November 2016 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Short course |
Organiser: | Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research |
How much: | £195
/ £140 for those from educational and charitable institutions
/ The Cathie Marsh Institute (CMIST) offers 5 free places to research staff and students within the Faculty of Humanities at The University of Manchester and the North West Doctoral Training Centre. Postgraduate students requesting a free place will be required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor. |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students, General public |
This short course covers latent variables and factor analysis at an introductory and intermediate level. A latent variable is something invisible (such as a concept, an attitude, or an illness) that cannot be measured directly, but that has been measured using a set of related observed indicators.
Factor analysis is one way to derive a factor from a set of variables, and is thus called a data reduction method. Other data reduction methods include principal components analysis, which is very closely related to factor analysis, and multiple correspondence analysis.
We will cover both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and highlight their differences. More advanced topics, such as testing for measurement equivalence, will also be touched upon. The course is suitable both for primary-data collection researchers (who may need to write a suitable questionnaire), and for those who want to analyse data sets, with a focus on measurement issues.
Price: £195
Concessions: £140 for those from educational and charitable institutions
Offers: The Cathie Marsh Institute (CMIST) offers 5 free places to research staff and students within the Faculty of Humanities at The University of Manchester and the North West Doctoral Training Centre. Postgraduate students requesting a free place will be required to provide a letter of support from their supervisor.
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Humanities Bridgeford Street