Alternative and complementary approaches for deeper characterisation of novel materials in SEM and TEM
The high pace of development of new material systems, including 2D materials, highly functional materials, additive manufacturing, electro spun fibres and others is driving
new types of experiments to better characterise materials at micro and nano scales. Electron microscopy is central to the development of these materials, but conventional
methods and instruments may don’t always give sufficiently deep understanding to see how the materials performs in practice, or may not give sufficient statistics to precisely
control processes and subsequent material properties. This talk will introduce a number of recent or emerging practical methods to give deeper (or faster and easier) understanding
of highly engineered materials.
• Handling oxidation sensitive materials: a workflow to take samples through a complete microscopy study from basic prep to SEM to AFM to FIB to TEM without air exposure.
• Preparing ultra-thin, ultra-uniform TEM lamellae of the most challenging materials by Ga+ and Ar+ in a single triple beam FIB workflow
• Correlative EM and AFM: correlating topography and composition from SEM with electrical, mechanical or magnetic properties from AFM.
• Exploring the limits of SEM as a STEM: lattice imaging in SEM, fast nanoscale EDX, complimentary contrast mechanisms and low kV EELS
• Using the right instrument for the job: performing advanced and automated microscopy like fibre metrology, automated particle/phase analysis and even STEM in the simplest SEMs.
• Open Q&A and discussion on how to access Hitachi instrumentation at Daresbury, Cheshire
Mike Dixon
Role: Microscopy Section Manager
Organisation: Hitachi High-Technologies Europe
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