A multidimensional proteomics approach for studying cell transformation and cancer biology
Host: Institute of Cancer Sciences
About the event:
Speaker: Professor Angus Lamond FRS FRSE FMedSci is Professor of Biochemistry and a Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow in the School of Life Sciences, Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression at the University of Dundee in Scotland.
Before moving to Dundee in 1995 Angus was a group leader at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, where he started using mass spectrometry based proteomics techniques. Angus’s group study gene expression and the functional organization of mammalian cell nuclei, using a strategy that combines quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) based proteomics and live cell fluorescence imaging (see www.LamondLab.com).
They have studied the nucleolar proteome and the regulated assembly of nucleoli in human cells. The Lamond group have developed proteomic methods for studying the dynamics of protein localization, turnover and protein-protein interactions. They have created a software project – Peptracker – aimed at the efficient integration and analysis of multiple large proteomics datasets. This is used to identify and characterize new regulatory mechanisms in both human cells and model organisms.
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Lecture Theatre
Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC)
Wilmslow Road
M20 4QL