The Manchester Centre for Archaeology and Egyptology is hosting a one-day networking and knowledge exchange event on community archaeology and history activities and research undertaken in and around Manchester. This workshop brings together staff and students from key institutions as well as independent researchers across Manchester who have been engaging communities through a wide range of physical and online activities and conducting research into community involvement in relation to the past and present of Manchester.
Topic: Community Archaeology
10.00-10.20am - Faye Sayer (MMU). Community Archaeology. Challenges and opportunities
10.20-10.40am - Adam Thompson (UoS). 10 years of Community Archaeology in Greater Manchester
10.40-11.00am - Ian Miller (GMAAS). Community Archaeology in Manchester
11.00-11.20am - Mike Nevell (Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust). Digging up Manchester. Industrial archaeology and heritage
11.20-11.40am - Refreshments
11.40-12.00 noon - Hannah Cobb (UoM). Whitworth Park Community Archaeology & History Project. Parks for the people
12.00-12.20pm - John Piprani (UoM). The Old Abby Pub. Community engagement through Archaeology
12.20-12.40pm - Sasha Handley (UoM). “How we used to sleep” at Little Moreton Hall: interacting with professionals, communities and schools
12.40-1.00pm - Nicholas Overton (UoM) Prehistory to Primary Schools project
1.00-2.00pm - Lunch
Topic: Community History
2.00-2.20pm - Abigail Gilmore (UoM). Platt Fields project. A creative engagement project in Manchester
2.20-2.40pm - Louis Haddad, Tomas Roma, Erin Barnett, Isaac Feaver, Yifan Zhong (UoM). Hulme Hippodrome and working class entertainment
2.40-3.00pm - Tereza Ward and John Piprani (UoM). Rediscovering the history and heritage of a local synagogue
3.00-3.20pm - Linda Brogan (Playwright). “Excavating The Reno”
3.20-3.40pm - Refreshments
3.40-4.00pm - John McAuliffe, Joanna Taylor and John Piprani (UoM). Tracing the writer Thomas Quincy
4.00-4.20pm - Enrika Pavlovskyte (UoM) and Elizabeth Mitchell (Platt Hall). Extended Realities of Platt Hall: Technologies and Communities
4.20-4.40pm - Anna Fielding (MMU). Early modern communal dining in the north-west of England: researching National Trust properties
4.40-5.00pm - Discussion and final thoughts