Social Media for Data Analysis (CPD accredited)
Dates: | 28 May 2018 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Short course |
Organiser: | Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research |
Venue opening hours: | 9:45am - 4:30pm |
How much: | £195 (£140 for those from educational, government and charitable institutions)
/ CMI offers up to five subsidised places at a reduced rate of £60 per course day to research staff and students within Humanities at The University of Manchester. These places are awarded in order of application. |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Current University students |
Speaker: | Prof. Mike Thelwall |
This course describes how to use free Windows software Mozdeh to gather tweets and to download comments on YouTube videos. The course will also describe simple methods to gain insights into the meaning of the downloaded texts and to identify patterns within the data.
You will learn to use the free Mozdeh Windows software to:
Gather tweets from a set of named users or tweets matching one or more keyword queries.
Gather comments on one or more YouTube videos.
Analyse the texts with simple big data methods: word association mining, gender, sentiment and time difference detection and association mining, time series graphs and networks of user interactions.
Analyse the texts with content analysis.
Participants should have a basic familiarity with YouTube and Twitter, and be prepared to learn to use new software. Familiarity with Microsoft Windows.
Price: £195 (£140 for those from educational, government and charitable institutions)
Concessions: CMI offers up to five subsidised places at a reduced rate of £60 per course day to research staff and students within Humanities at The University of Manchester. These places are awarded in order of application.
Travel and Contact Information
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Basement Lab
Humanities Bridgeford Street