Virtual Reality Therapies for Phantom Limb Pain
Dates: | 29 January 2014 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Computer Science |
Who is it for: | Current University students, University staff |
Speaker: | Dr Steve Pettifer |
Phantom Limb Pain is debilitating condition that affects a significant percentage of patients after loss of an arm or leg. These patients experience chronic pain and other unpleasant sensations in the missing limb, and the pain resists treatment. Previous research has demonstrated that pain levels can be reduced in some patients when they are immersed in a virtual environment that presents a 3D computer graphics visualisation of their missing limb, the movements of which are controlled by sensors attached to the remaining limb. This seminar will cover some of the recent theories on the cause of Phantom Limb Pain, and look at some of the Virtual Reality-based intervention that we have been developing using off-the-shelf hardware.
Dr Steve Pettifer
Organisation: University of Manchester
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