Host: Manchester Pharmacy School and Institute of Inflammation and Repair
About the event:
Senior speaker: Professor Nicola Tirelli, Professor of Polymers and Biomaterials, Manchester Pharmacy School and Institute of Inflammation and Repair
"Reactive oxygen species and biomaterials"
Nicola graduated and later obtained a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Pisa (Italy). He held positions at the ETH Zurich (postdoc, then Oberassistent) before joining the UoM in 2003, where he is now part of Manchester Pharmacy School and the Institute of Inflammation and Repair. He is co-director of the CDT in Regenerative Medicine and academic lead of the NorthWest Centre of Advanced Drug Delivery; he received a Bessel award from the Humboldt foundation in 2004, was EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow 2005-2010 and visiting professor at a Max Planck Institute (Golm, Germany; 2004) and a Helmholtz Centre (Teltow, Germany; 2012). Nicola has published over 120 papers h-index = 32 (Scopus). He was editor of Reactive and Functional Polymers (2006-12), and sits on the advisory boards of several journals in the polymer/materials area. His activity focuses on the molecular design of nanomaterials and injectable gels for applications in drug delivery and regenerative medicine.
Junior speaker: Dr Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Research Fellow in Pharmaceutics, Manchester Pharmacy School
Zahraa obtained her BSc Degree in Pharmacy with a distinction from the College of Pharmacy, University of Baghdad in 2004. After training as a clinical pharmacist, she was awarded a prestigious scholarship to study a Masters in Drug Delivery at the UCL School of Pharmacy, where she won the AstraZeneca Prize for the best overall performance. Zahraa completed her PhD studies with the Nanomedicine Lab at the UCL School of Pharmacy on the design, characterization and biological performance of temperature-sensitive vesicles for cancer therapy in 2012. She then joined the NANOSOLUTIONS (FP7-NMP) European project as a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Manchester. Her work was mainly focused on the structure – biological function relationship that determines the safety of engineered nanomaterials. Zahraa is currently Research Fellow with the North West Centre of Advanced Drug Delivery (NoWCADD) working on the development of innovative therapeutic and in vivo imaging approaches against cancer and brain ischemia (stroke).
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See a full list of Faculty Research Series dates.
Who is it for?
The monthly Faculty Research Series events are open to all staff and students from across the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences and the University, offering an opportunity to celebrate research achievement and stimulate scientific interaction. Each month one host School or Institute from the Faculty will pair with a different School or Institute to highlight and showcase similar topics from different perspectives.
Held on Wednesday lunchtimes, each meeting lasts an hour, including two 20 minute presentations – one from a senior and one from a more junior member of Faculty staff. Each presentation will be followed by a short discussion. A buffet lunch will be available from 12.30. Presentations begin at 1pm.