MRC Come and See – Careers after a PhD with Chris Humphrey
Dr Chris Humphreys completed his PhD in Medieval Studies at the University of York and after several years in academia as a postdoc made the move to the non-academic sector. Today he works for an ethical and sustainable bank.
Chris runs the website 'Jobs on Toast' where he shares posts on topics around finding jobs after a PhD, how to market yourself to employers outside academia, and how to match the skills you acquired during your PhD to professional jobs. He regularly delivers talks on post-PhD careers at major UK universities.
In this keynote talk Chris will about these topics and others. So come along and learn more about your job options after the PhD.
Tea, coffee and cake will be served ahead of the keynote, from 3.30pm. Keynote starts at 4pm.
To ensure your place for the event, register via Eventbrite:
Feel free to share the event with friends and colleagues who may be interested!
Dr Chris Humphrey
Role: Careers advisor
Organisation: Jobs on Toast
Travel and Contact Information
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Lecture Theatre A
Zochonis Building