Words Across Borders: French Words in Seventeenth-Century England
Dates: | 29 April 2025 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
This workshop will consist of two presentations: Professor Richard Scholar (Durham) will present his work on untranslated French words such as ennui or je-ne-sais-quoi and what these émigrés words reveal about the rich yet fraught relationships between France and England in the long seventeenth century. Dr Jérôme Brillaud (Manchester) will turn to the translations of French horticultural manuals into English to show the complex strategies developed to translate technical and trade terms in late seventeenth century England. Dr Fred Schurink (Manchester) will chair this workshop.
This event forms part of the CIDRAL series of events on the theme of Im/mobilities.
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