Social Anthropology Seminar - Dr. Vlad Schuler-Costa
Dates: | 14 March 2022 |
Times: | 16:00 - 18:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Speaker: | Dr. Vlad Schuler-Costa |
Title : Academia will never love you back”: precarity, passion, and meaningful work in science
Description :
Contemporary science is increasingly carried out by research projects composed of anywhere between a couple dozen to some hundreds of scientists. While many of these scientists have secure and stable employment, most of them do not.
In the British University System, scientists in positions such as Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs) and Postgraduate Research Assistants (PGRAs) are often the backbone of academic/scientific research, but are rarely given stable positions – in some cases being given contracts lasting no longer than three months, they might end up relocating multiple times a year, and not infrequently they need to go through regular periods of unemployment while moving from contract to contract.
Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in a biotech institute within a British university, this talk will explore the anxieties, worries, and attitudes of scientists who felt trapped in a system which made it financially and emotionally difficult to work in something they often professed to love – but which did not seem to love them back.
Please register here :
Dr. Vlad Schuler-Costa
Role: Seminar Speaker
Organisation: University of Manchester
Travel and Contact Information
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2.016 / 017 2nd Floor Boardroom
Arthur Lewis Building