Fourth annual workshop on advances in x-ray imaging
The aim of these workshops is to bring scientists from different fields to discuss current developments and applications of a variety of X-ray imaging techniques, and to build international collaborations.
- 9:00 Coffee and registration (Diamond House Atrium)
- 9:30 Welcome on behalf of Manchester, Diamond, CCPi & 3Dmagination hosts
- 9:45 ‘Computer vision for reduced-order modelling of macroscopic mechanical tests'’,David Ryckelynck, MINES Paristech
- 10:25 ‘Virtual CT with complex scanning trajectories in aRTist’, Carsten Bellon, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
- 11:25 ‘Xlearn: a deep learning toolbox for synchrotron X-ray imaging’, Xiaogang Yang, DESY Photon Science
- 12:05 ‘'SuRVos: Speeding up Segmentation of Biological Imaging Volumes', Mark Basham, Diamond Light Source
- 12:45 Lunch and poster session
- 13:45 'Multiscale microstructural investigations in metallic materials using X-ray tomographic, WAXS and SAXS., Azeem Mohammed, University of Leicester
- 14:25 '4D imaging and modelling applied to solidification and glass foaming', Biao Cai, University of Birmingham
- 15:25 ‘Characterising the microstructural evolutional of solidification in ice cream using synchrotron X-ray tomography’, Jingyi Mo, University College London
- 16:05 ‘Understanding the mechanisms of root-reinforcement in soils: soil shear tests using X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation’, Daniel Bull, University of Southampton
- 16:45 Close and award of poster prize.
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
Diamond Light Source (room G53/54)
Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE