Host: Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR)
About the event:
Senior speaker: Professor David Eisner, School of Cardiovascular Sciences: “Getting stoned: calcium and the heart”
David Eisner has been the British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiac Physiology at Manchester University since 2000. Before then he worked at University College London and Liverpool University. His research focuses on the control of contraction of the heart and, in particular, signalling by the calcium ion. His interests include both what happens in the normal, healthy heart as well as the changes that occur in disease.
Junior speaker: Dr James Fildes, MCCIR: “Increasing access to transplantation via donor organ reconditioning using ex-vivo organ perfusion”
James Fildes is a Principal Investigator in the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (MCCIR) and an NHS Principal Research Scientist at UHSM, where he runs the transplant research facility. His research aims to understand how injured organs can be repaired for the purposes of transplantation. His team use a novel technique called ex-vivo perfusion to study how the resident immune system contributes to inflammation or repair of donor organs and how this impacts on clinical outcome following transplantation. He forms part of the ventricular assist device (VAD), extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and heart and lung transplant programmes at University Hospital of South Manchester.
About the research series:
The monthly Faculty Research Series events are open to all staff and students from across the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences and the University, offering an opportunity to celebrate research achievement and stimulate scientific interaction. Each month, one host School or Institute from the Faculty will pair with a different School or Institute to highlight and showcase similar topics from different perspectives.
Held on Wednesday lunchtimes, each meeting lasts an hour, including two 20-25 minute presentations – one from a junior and one from a more senior member of Faculty staff. Each presentation will be followed by a short discussion.
The event runs from 12:30 - 2.00pm; a buffet lunch will be available from 12.30 pm. Presentations begin at 1 pm.
Final details of presentation topics and speakers will be posted nearer the dates.
Please note that places will be limited so registration is essential, please register via Eventbrite