A ‘New’ Right to Adequate Clothing Conference
Dates: | 13 July 2023 - 14 July 2023 |
Times: | All day |
What is it: | Conferences |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
How much: | Free |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers |
The right to adequate clothing is a forgotten right and as such its meaning is unclear. The lack of clarity surrounding this right means that it may not be used to its full potential. To explain, the fashion industry is facing various challenges surrounding our systems of producing, distributing, using, and disposing of clothing, which could be addressed by the right to adequate clothing, the potential for which remains unrealised. Therefore, to leverage the right to adequate clothing in response to these challenges there is a need to clarify the content of it and the obligations stemming from it. Additionally, the right itself can be informed in response to these challenges the vastness of which speaks to, and cuts across, many disciplines. This conference will bring together practitioners, policy makers, civil society, and academics to discuss this issue from an interdisciplinary perspective, thereby focusing on actionable solutions and a clearer understanding of what is meant by ‘the right to adequate clothing’.
Paper title and abstracts (max. 500 words) should be sent to RTClothing@manchester.ac.uk by 12:00 on Friday 10th February 2023. Please submit this as a Word document only. Include a short bio, max 3 lines.
We hope to achieve this by exploring the relationship between clothing and the right to clothing in the context of several themes. While all abstracts will be considered, abstracts engaging with some of the identified themes are most welcome:
• the right to adequate clothing and:
o clothing adequacy;
o clothing sufficiency;
o indicators and benchmarks;
o sustainable futures;
o global inequality;
o policy;
o consumption/society;
o clothing production;
o clothing waste.
This conference has been very generously sponsored by the Hallsworth Conference fund. Domestic Travel and two nights accommodation (12th and 13th July) will be covered for speakers. Further information will be distributed to speakers on the notification of acceptance.
Luke D. Graham, Lecturer in Public Law and Human Rights, University of Manchester
Claudia E. Henninger, Reader in Fashion Marketing & Management, University of Manchester
Please direct all enquiries to to RTClothing@manchester.ac.uk
Travel and Contact Information