Sociology seminar: 'The Educational Stratification of Families: A sibling perspective'
Dates: | 17 November 2021 |
Times: | 14:45 - 15:45 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
How much: | Free |
Speaker: | Stian Aleksander Uvaag |
Speaker: Stian Uvaag (University of Bergen)
Inequality in educational attainment is well-known to sociologists. An individual’s level of education is strongly associated with his or her parents’ level of education/social class background.
In the last decades, economists and sociologists have increasingly been using sibling correlations as an omnibus measure of the impact of family background. The sibling correlation in years of education is on average around 0.5. This is a higher figure than the correlations in income, earnings, wealth, and occupational status. Another important lesson from the sibling correlation literature is that education stratifies families beyond what measures of social background tell us. Should we then talk of educational mobile families rather than educational mobile individuals?
In my presentation, I will present work in progress on the educational mobility of siblings, based on Norwegian registry data. I will also reflect more broadly on what these patterns tell us about the social (class) structure and social divisions.
The seminar will be on Zoom. Link:
Stian Aleksander Uvaag
Organisation: University of Bergen
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