Manchester Algebra Seminar - Jeremy Rickard
Dates: | 15 March 2022 |
Times: | 13:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, Current University students |
Speaker: Jeremy Rickard - University of Bristol
Finitistic dimension and derived categories
The Finitistic Dimension Conjecture (FDC) is a long open conjecture about homological properties of finite dimensional algebras that has gradually assumed greater importance as it has been realised that it implies many other conjectures in the field. A few years ago I showed that if the derived category of an algebra is generated in a certain sense by injective modules (and we know no examples where it isn’t) then the FDC would follow for that algebra. The question of whether the derived category is generated by injective modules makes sense for general rings, although in this generality there are (a few) counterexamples. In this talk I will discuss some results and open questions about these ideas. I will not assume any technical knowledge of derived categories.
Place: Frank Adams (and to be streamed online*)
- subject to equipment and connection
Tea and biscuits 12:45 in the foyer
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Frank Adams
Alan Turing Building