CTIS Seminar: Translator Styles - Do they exist and do they matter in the digital age?
Dates: | 22 November 2018 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:30 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Arts, Languages and Cultures |
Who is it for: | University staff, Adults, Alumni, Current University students, General public |
Speaker: | Joanna Gough |
Translation is a complex cognitive activity and – like any other human activity – is characterised by individuality and diversity. Do translators differ in the way they actually translate? Do they differ in the way they carry out translation-oriented research activities? What are these differences? And do they matter? Joanna will talk about research which looked into the translation process to discern different translation production styles and styles related to translation-oriented research. She will consider whether the increasingly technologised environment in which translations are now produced may have an effect on how we translate and research for translation and what are the implications of translating in the digital age on the natural behaviour of human translators.
Joanna Gough
Organisation: University of Surrey
Biography: Joanna Gough is a lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Surrey. Joanna’s research interests encompass a variety of language and technology related subjects, such as tools and resources for translators, process oriented translation research, the evolution of the Web and its impact on translation and many more. Joanna is also interested in the business and industry aspects of the translation profession and is a keen advocate of cooperation between academia and industry. She is involved in the ITI Professional Development Committee.
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