Centre for Primary Care Seminar – Prof Peter Bower - The NIHR ARC Greater Manchester: what the ARC is, what we plan to do, and how you can get involved
NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs) support applied health and care research focussed on the needs of local populations.
Although Greater Manchester has many strengths, people here have poorer health and die earlier. These are particular problems for disadvantaged groups.
The NIHR ARC Greater Manchester has been funded to bring together researchers and health and care providers to do research to improve health.
This seminar will give an overview of what the ARC is, how it is structured and the type of work it will do - and identify ways in which people can collaborate with the ARC over the next five years.
All are welcome to attend but please register by emailing CPC.seminar.series@manchester.ac.uk
Professor Peter Bower
Role: Chair in Health Sciences; Head, Centre for Primary Care and Health Services Research
Organisation: School for Health Sciences
Travel and Contact Information
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Room G03 (next to the main reception on ground floor)
Williamson Building