Jolly Okot has dedicated her life to her community in Gulu, Northern Uganda. Formerly abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army, she went on to become the first woman in Uganda to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She has shared the story of her work across the globe, from Uganda to delivering talks to US congress. She has just spent three months touring the US - and now she is coming to Manchester…
Compelled to help the survivors of war in her community, in 2003 she started HEAL (Health, Education, Art, Literacy, Sports), a programme of therapeutic dance and play for children traumatised by the war. She also co-founded the Legacy Scholarship Programme, giving thousands of girls and women primary, secondary and higher education. She went on to work for organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontiers, InterAid International, Oxfam and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).
Jolly also gained international acclaim as the founder of Invisible Children Uganda, who supported children directly affected by the LRA by providing them with education and rehabilitation services. Sadly, following the release of ‘Kony 2012’, and the rapid viral demand for publicity, Invisible Children Uganda came under an enormous amount of pressure for such a small organisation and came to a close in 2014.
Jolly’s mission and dedication to the families she supported continues however, through the empowerment and education of women, facilitated by WEND – Women’s Empowerment Network Design. This social enterprise employs women, many of whom were supported by Invisible Children as former child soldiers, who make and sell stylish bags for a living to support their families.
Jolly works tirelessly with her husband Emmy and have together transformed many lives so far. But it’s just the beginning. Come and hear Jolly’s story and be a part of the new chapter for Wend Africa.
Find out more about Wend Africa on their website or their facebook
You will have the opportunity to ask Jolly questions and we will also be selling Wend Africa products. All proceeds will be going to Wend Africa and helping to raise money for Team Gulu 2017 (
Jolly Okot Andruville: WEND Africa – A New Era
Monday 12th December, 18:30 – 20:00
Roscoe Building, Lecture Theatre B
Tickets Free at Eventbrite now!
Hosted by the Manchester Global Health Society and Team Gulu 2017