Happiness, Develpment and ICTs
Dates: | 13 March 2012 |
Times: | 13:00 - 14:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Speaker: Prof. Richard Heeks, IDPM
Further details: Growth of interest in well-being and positive psychology has increasingly pushed happiness onto individual, organisational and national agendas. But what would it mean to take happiness seriously, and use it as a guiding principle for policy and practice in developing countries?
Through a basic conceptualisation of happiness – and building on recent experience in Bhutan – this presentation looks at the specific implications of a happiness-driven agenda for ICT policy and practice. Should this mean a de-prioritisation of digital technologies? Or prioritisation of applications which directly address the causes of happiness and unhappiness? This presentation suggests some answers, and also proposes a future research agenda in "ICT4H".
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Room 10.05 Harold Hankins Building
Oxford Road