artsmethods Workshop: Theoretical Frameworks
Dates: | 16 October 2023 |
Times: | 11:00 - 13:00 |
What is it: | Workshop |
Organiser: | artsmethods@manchester |
Who is it for: | Current University students |
Speaker: | Dr Letizia Alterno |
This workshop, offered by artsmethods@manchester for PGRs, addresses the suitability of theoretical frameworks for research projects. It provides an introduction to a selected range of useful theoretical frameworks and offers researchers the opportunity to work with theory and text both critically and effectively.
The workshop begins by relating theoretical frameworks directly to the participants’ area of expertise, discussing the research questions that they plan to investigate in their projects, on the related theories, findings, and conceptual frameworks and on the literature, preliminary research, and personal experience they are aiming to draw on. The workshop ends by asking participants to plan a study using one theoretical framework and then re-planning the same study using an alternative framework. The exercise is an attempt to explore the effects that this restructuring has on the questions and analysis previously formulated, with special attention to possible problems and limitations.
Register in advance via the artsmethods@manchester Blackboard space.
Dr Letizia Alterno
Organisation: University of Manchester
Biography: Dr Letizia Alterno is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of English, American Studies and Creative Writing and has been running artsmethods@manchester methodology and theory workshops since 2012. She specialises in postcolonial studies.
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