New Opportunities for Tissue Engineering and Biomaterial Design by Dr Jon Dawson
Dates: | 26 January 2015 |
Times: | 12:00 - 13:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Institute of Inflammation and Repair |
Who is it for: | Current University students, University staff |
Speaker: | Dr Jon Dawson |
Host: Centre for Tissue Injury and Repair, Institute of Inflammation and Repair
About the event:
EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Synopsis of Presentation:
Clay nanoparticles offer interesting opportunities for biomaterial design and regenerative medicine that are only beginning to be explored. For example, certain clays are known for their ability to adsorb biological molecules due to the large and highly charged specific surface area of the nano-sized particles. We have investigated the potential to harness this sorptive capacity of clay in regenerative medicine. Self- assembling clay gels were observed to rapidly adsorb VEGF165 to promote an angiogenic response in local endothelial populations in vitro and in vivo and clay nanoparticle films and gels significantly enhances localised BMP2 osteoinduction in vitro and at ectopic sites in vivo.
Furthermore, clay nanoparticle interactions with polymers can impart new mechanical and functional properties to polymeric scaffolds and hydrogels. We present one such example in the form of a hyaluronic acid hydrogel cross-linked through physical interactions with clay nano-particles to achieve improved toughness over chemically cross-linked analogues. Such approaches provide exciting possibilities for the generation of mechanically tuned developmentally potent microenvironments able to direct the growth and differentiation of stem/progenitor cell populations for tissue regeneration.
Dr Jon Dawson
Role: EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow
Organisation: University of Southampton
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