Understanding Ukraine's Goals of and the Main Obstacles to Eurointegration - JMCE Annual Lecture 2018
Sergii Leshchenko is a member of Ukrainian Parliament, former investigative journalist, blogger, and press freedom activist. In 2013/14 he played a key role in the launching of the EuroMaidan Protests that brought down Yanukovych regime in the Ukraine. From 2000 -2014 he worked for Ukrainska Pravda, where he specialized in anticorruption investigations and other political reporting. He helped to launch the «Stop Censorship!» movement in 2010 and «Chesno» campaign that called for transparency in Parliament. Following a rise to fame as leading activist and journalist he turned his attention to politics. One of the most recognized Deputies in Parliament he is known for his anti-corruption efforts and is a leading member of the Parliamentary committee on corruption prevention.
Leshchenko has received several awards, accolades and has held several prestigious fellowships including: the Polish Foundation of Reporters (2011) best journalist prize, the Norwegian Fritt Ord Foundation and the German ZEIT Foundation’s Press Roze (2013), the John Smith Fellowship (2012), the Stanford University Draper Hills Fellowship (2013), the National Endowment for Democracy ‘s Reagan-Fascell Fellowship (2013-2014), selected as Reporters Without Borders’ 100 Information Heroes (2014) NDI’s Democracy Award. In 2017 ‘Focus’ listed Leshchenko as one the most in?uential Ukrainians.
- The event is free and open to all, but registration is essential***
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