FSE Teaching Seminar
Dates: | 9 November 2016 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Faculty of Science and Engineering |
Who is it for: | University staff |
Dear Academic Colleagues,
FSE Teaching Seminar, Wednesday 9th November 2-3pm, Room F14, Renold Building.
GTA Training - Plans, Pilots & Progress
Dr. Jenny Slaughter, School of Chemistry
PhD students play a vital role as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), delivering teaching & learning to undergraduate students; this interaction means PhD students have a significant impact on the undergraduate experience. Simultaneously, demonstrating duties impact on PhD students on their time, their sense of worth and on their continuous professional development. It is vital then that GTAs are able to deliver quality teaching and learning and that this is recognized and rewarded. We believe that enhancing departmental training with a carefully constructed, complimentary Faculty course will lead to quality learning environments and enhance student satisfaction, as well as provide development opportunities for the next generation of academics.
This seminar will outline the proposed modular structure for an interlinked department-level-Faculty-level GTA training programme. We will discuss how the content has been identified: from discussions with departments to take into account both the generic teaching and learning requirements, as well as the specific needs of different departmental roles; to mapping against UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), enabling attainment of Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
We will demonstrate the finer structure of modules intended to deliver this content. We will discuss the necessity for face-to-face time, to allow attendees to experience learning in a manner in which they are asked to deliver it. How the use of "flipped learning" can enable content to be delivered without the necessity for lengthy lectures. Consequently, how this allows face-to-face workshop time to be shorter, manageable, task-based and authentic.
In September and October of this year, a small scale pilot was run to trial three of the modules. The pilot involved staff and students from Chemistry, CEAS and the e-Learning Team. We will summarize the sessions themselves, as well as the feedback and evaluation of these first modules. Finally, we will also outline how we are seeking to monitor, evaluate and improve the impact of the training course for the future.
The session will be followed by an opportunity to discuss the proposed Faculty level training. Several members of the Faculty have already volunteered to be involved in the project and we hope that this seminar will allow other interested parties to become involved.
To register, Please follow the link below:
Do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.
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Room F14
Renold Building