From Chapter to Article: Article Writing Workshop Series - Meeting 2
Dates: | 16 November 2023 |
Times: | 13:00 - 16:00 |
What is it: | Short course |
Organiser: | artsmethods@manchester |
Who is it for: | Current University students |
Speaker: | Dr David Firth |
This is the second meeting in the Article Writing Workshop Series: From Chapter to Article, offered by artsmethods@manchester for PGRs.
The series is designed to help you revise completed research, such as in the form of an existing thesis chapter or conference paper, into a publishable article. Participants are expected to attend all sessions, running over 12 weeks from November 2022 to February 2023. The series is specifically targeted for researchers in the advanced stages of their doctoral research and who are ready and able to turn a well-developed piece of research (i.e., research for a chapter of your PhD, an expandable conference paper, or an MA essay that received a high grade) into an article. Feedback will be provided on the development of abstracts, introductions and conclusions, as well as the finalised articles.
The focus of this second session is selecting a journal and reviewing the literature.
All sessions will be run online via Zoom - you will need a camera/microphone to participate.
Open to PGRs who have applied for and been offered a place on the workshop series.
Dr David Firth
Organisation: University of Manchester
Biography: The course is run and has been developed by Dr David Firth, who completed his PhD in English Literature at the University of Manchester in 2018 and currently runs the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures Skills Training and Academic Development Programme. Dr Firth is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Postcolonial Writing and for the Literary Encyclopedia.
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