Sunil Chhita - Domino Shuffle and Matrix Refactorizations
Dates: | 8 February 2023 |
Times: | 15:00 - 16:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Sunil Chhita (Durham) will speak in the Probability seminar. (in-person)
This talk is motivated by computing correlations for domino tilings of the Aztec diamond. It is inspired by two of the three distinct methods that have recently been used in the simplest case of a doubly periodic weighting, that is the two-periodic Aztec diamond. This model is of particular probabilistic interest due to being one of the few models having a boundary between polynomially and exponentially decaying macroscopic regions in the limit. One of the methods to compute correlations, powered by the domino shuffle, involves inverting the Kasteleyn matrix giving correlations through the local statistics formula. Another of the methods, driven by a Wiener-Hopf factorization for two- by-two matrix valued functions, involves the Eynard-Mehta theorem. For arbitrary weights, the Wiener-Hopf factorization can be replaced by an LU- and UL-decomposition, based on a matrix refactorization, for the product of the transition matrices. In this talk, we present results to say that the evolution of the face weights under the domino shuffle and the matrix refactorization is the same.
This is based on joint work with Maurice Duits (Royal Institute of Technology KTH).
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Lighthill Lecture Room G.205
Alan Turing Building