Nanomaterials: from theory to application Symposium
On 16th of May, Manchester will play host to a one day symposium on nanomaterials sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and CCP5.
The event will cover a broad range of themes within the field of nanomaterials aimed at fostering collaboration between research groups.
Alongside plenary talks from Dr Natalia Martsinovich (University of Sheffield) and Prof. Joshua Edel (Imperial College London) there will
be a number of talks by students and post docs along with a poster session.
The event is free to attend and there will also be travel grants available for some of the presenters
Natalia Martsinovich
Role: Lecturer
Organisation: University of Sheffled
Joshua Edel
Role: Professor
Organisation: Imperial College London
Travel and Contact Information
Find event
E007 and C015
Renold Building