Dov Stekel - Mathematical models for spread of antimicrobial resistance
Dates: | 3 February 2020 |
Times: | 14:00 - 15:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | Department of Mathematics |
Who is it for: | University staff, External researchers, Current University students |
Speaker: | Dov Stekel |
(Zochonis Lecture Theatre D)
Join us for this seminar by Dov Stekel (Nottingham) as part of the Mathematics in the Life Sciences Series.
Abstract: This seminar will cover aspects of models for spread of antimicrobial resistance in agriculture and the environment. We will start with models for spread of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli populations in the slurry tank of a dairy farm. The model incorporates three antibiotics and two antimicrobial metals and detailed information on veterinary antibiotic use. The model shows how the reduction in use of 3rd/4th generation cephalosporins effective. It is also used to demonstrate the effectiveness of slurry isolation and storage prior to spreading on land. We then use a similar model on co-selection of metal and antibiotic resistance to derive minimal coselective concentrations that could form the basis for standards for metal concentrations in environments where antibiotics are also used.
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Dov Stekel
Role: Professor of Computational Biology
Organisation: University of Nottingham
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Lecture Theatre D
Zochonis Building