Centre for Primary Care Seminar: Victoria Moore and Adam Sutherland
The seminar will feature two talks:
Victoria Moore – ‘Leaving hospital: A step too far for risk-based regulation?’
Summary: In this talk I argue that statutory regulators within the English NHS have failed to satisfactorily address the risk to patients' safety and dignity posed by the hospital discharge process. I propose that this failure is due to three weaknesses within risk-based models of regulation regarding the identification, conceptualisation, and prioritisation of risk. I conclude that it is imperative for these weaknesses to be resolved lest hospital discharges continue to be ineffectively regulated.
Adam Sutherland – ‘Medicines Optimisation in Paediatric In-Patients (MOPPEt): A Qualitative Multi-centre Human Factors study’
Summary: One in five children experiences a medication-related problem in hospital. The causes for this may be because they rely on weight-based doses, are administered using adult formulations and their behaviour may be less predictable. Interventions to make medication safer don’t work. The reasons behind this are not understood. We present a proposal for a multicentre qualitative study using sociotechnical theory to understand the relationship between work-as-imagined and work-as-done in children’s wards in five Northern English hospitals.
Registration via email to: CPC.seminar.series@manchester.ac.uk
Victoria Moore
Role: PhD Student
Organisation: SHS
Adam Sutherland
Role: NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow
Organisation: SHS
Travel and Contact Information
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Fifth Floor Seminar Room
Williamson Building