TAI Annual Lecture 2023: Work, Health, and Wellbeing post pandemic, with Guest Speaker Professor Dame Carol Black
In 2010 Richard Donkin, author and columnist, wrote: "The history of the way we live and work is more evolutionary than revolutionary in nature." This was true pre March 2020, but then what had been a slow migration of practice - industry to knowledge services, office to home, collective to individual, formal working hours to discretionary time, work across boundaries - accelerated in an unprecedented way.
Covid landed on fertile UK soil, a population of insufficiently healthy persons, with high obesity rates, low rates of physical activity, and the poor living in deprived areas with all the inevitable consequences.
These issues will be discussed in an attempt to see where we were, where we are now, and what the future of work and the workplace might look like.
Lecture and Q&A session from 16:00 - 17:40pm (register from 15:30pm)
Post lecture reception from 17:40 - 19:00pm
Professor Dame Carol Black
Travel and Contact Information
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Lecture Theatre B
Engineering Building A
University of Manchester
Booth Street East