Rountable - Attacked: Healthcare systems in Ukraine and Syria
This event will see updates from and comparisons between the humanitarian situations in Syria and Ukraine, with a focus on attacks on and the responses of healthcare systems and workers.
Christina Wille (Director of Insecurity Insight) will discuss data collected from Ukraine, as part of the RIAH project -
Dr Zahed 'Hamza' Katurji is a Syrian doctor and human rights activist, founder of the Al-Qudes Hospital in Aleppo, and Co-Founder of Action for Sama (
Sophie Désoulières (Head of Advocacy and Operational Communications at MSF) will discuss MSF's work in conflict settings, such as Syria and Ukraine, and the impact of war on access to healthcare (
This is a hybrid event (i.e. in-person in Roscoe Building LT.A, plus online via Zoom)
It is open to staff, students, the public, and partner organisations.
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Christina Wille
Role: Director
Organisation: Insecurity Insight
Biography: Founder of the Aid in Danger Project and the Security in Numbers Database (SiND) along with Larissa Fast, Christina oversees the organization of all Insecurity Insight and Aid in Danger projects. Her work is on the use of data for improving and developing human security, with a particular focus on the monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian information generation.
Sophie Désoulières
Role: Heads of humanitarian affairs, operational communications and advocacy department
Organisation: Médecins Sans Frontières
Biography: Sophie Désoulières heads MSF (OCA)’s humanitarian affairs, operational communications and advocacy department. She started working with MSF as a humanitarian affairs adviser supporting operations in North East Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Venezuela. Prior to joining MSF, Sophie was a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group covering Afghanistan and Pakistan. She holds a Masters in Anthropology from Université de Provence/Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme and a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University.
Dr Zahed 'Hamza' Katurji
Role: Dr and NGO Co-founder
Organisation: Action for Sama
Biography: Dr Zahed 'Hamza' Katurji is a Syrian doctor and human rights activist, founder of the Al-Qudes Hospital in Aleppo, and Co-Founder of Action for Sama
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Lecture Theatre A
Roscoe Building