Teaching Matters Series - Ketso – a hands-on kit for engaged learning
Dates: | 14 March 2017 |
Times: | 16:00 - 17:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Environment, Education and Development |
Speaker: | Joanne Tippett |
Ketso – a hands-on kit for engaged learning
“Using Ketso I found that my ability to develop ideas and see other points of view improved… I felt as though I was mentally stimulated when using it, and the quality of my ideas and work that was produced from it was far higher than prior to using it.” Student reflective learning journal
This workshop will introduce Ketso, a hands-on kit for creative engagement used in a wide range of teaching settings. Dr. Joanne Tippett, the founder of Ketso and a lecturer in The University of Manchester, will introduce the toolkit through a practical workshop, introduce key principles for effective engagement with Ketso, and explore different ways it has been used in teaching and learning.
Ketso is now in use in over half the Universities in the UK, as well as in several universities in Ethiopia, Cameroon, Tanzania, the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Thanks to the Directorate for Student Experience, University of Manchester staff have access to Ketsos to use in their teaching and research (via the Atrium in University Place).
Ketso is highly visual and interactive– a felt workspace with branches and coloured leaves. Everyone has a say, not only the most articulate or the loudest, and Ketso is particularly useful for international students and students with learning difficulties.
The kit can be used in small groups, such as dissertation supervision, or in encouraging interaction in large classes, for developing ideas around the theme of a course, review of learning and project planning.
You can find out more here:
Teaching: http://ketso.com/examples-case-studies/case-studies/teaching
Joanne Tippett
Role: Lecturer in Spatial Planning
Organisation: SEED
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