Social Anthropology Seminar - Dr Miranda Sheild Johansson - via Zoom in the boardroom
Dates: | 22 November 2021 |
Times: | 16:00 - 18:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Speaker: | Miranda Sheild Johansson |
Dr Miranda Sheild Johansson
The seminar is at 16:15 - 17:45pm in the boardroom if you are in the Arthur Lewis Building, in the Boardroom, Second Floor, 2.016/017 and via zoom.
Please register -
The Fiscal Production of Informality: Paying Tax to Build Non-State Communal Worlds in Highland Bolivia
In the peri-urban areas of the Bolivian city of Cochabamba, the ‘informally’ employed population disaggregate the fiscal system, paying some taxes but avoiding others. In tracking the motivations for tax payments and evasion, as well as local understandings of where public good are produced, this chapter explores how payments to the state and payments to non-state actors, such as unions and neighbourhood associations, are inextricably intertwined in the production of economic landscapes. In this context, property tax and commercial license tax where paid to the state and local government as they created a level of formality which in turn enabled the parallel funding of non-state institutions - institutions that produced the public services and infrastructure desired by the community. In this way paying tax was an act that allowed for non-state, and alternative social and cosmic orders to be realized, re-produced and protected. I ask, taking seriously the false division of formal and informal economies, is there any traction in blurring boundaries between tax and tax-like payments?
Miranda Sheild Johansson
Role: Speaker
Organisation: UCL London
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2.016 / 017 - 2nd Floor Boardroom
Arthur Lewis Building