Political parties and non-standard employment
Dates: | 18 February 2015 |
Times: | 15:30 - 17:00 |
What is it: | Seminar |
Organiser: | School of Social Sciences |
Democracy and Elections seminar
Political Parties and Non-Standard Employment: France, Germany, Italy, and Spain in Comparison by Georg Picot, University of Manchester & Irene Menendez, University of Zurich
Increasing evidence shows that being in non-standard employment affects political preferences. Yet, our knowledge about the positions of political parties on the issue is extremely limited even at a descriptive level. Do they address non-standard employment in the context of election campaigns – if so, which parties do? How do they frame non-standard work and what policies do they propose? This study starts to tackle these questions by analysing party programs in four states with a high share of non-standard work: Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. We find that attention and criticism of non-standard work follows a clear left-right distribution, while left-libertarian parties are addressing the issue most specifically. Hence, the evidence is in line with classic partisan politics theory, but also with arguments about an electoral re-alignment of new left parties in post-industrial societies.
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