We’re excited to announce the Lydia Becker Institute Research Showcase 2023 which will take place on 9 March.
Becker Executive Talks – 12.00pm-1.00pm - Michael Smith Building Lecture Theatre
The Lydia Becker Institute Executive will be giving talks in the Michael Smith Building Lecture Theatre at 12.00pm as part of our Research Showcase:
Professor Tracy Hussell - 'Immunomatrix interactions in resolution of lung inflammation'
Dr John Grainger - 'Characterising circulating immune features associated with early responses to stroke'
Professor Mark Travis - 'Regulation of mucosal immunity by integrins and TGF-beta'
There will also be an opportunity for a short Q&A session with each speaker which will be conducted via Slido.If you would like to send a question in advance, please use this link and mark your question for the attention of the relevant speaker
A QR code will also be provided on the day so audience members can ask questions live.
Research Showcase – 1.00pm–5.00pm - Michael Smith Building Lounge
From 1.00 pm onwards we’ll be occupying the Michael Smith Building Lounge to mingle and talk about everything immunology!
We’ll have 26 posters presented by Becker affiliated postdocs, technical staff, and postgrads, showcasing the very latest and greatest in immunology research.
There will be a Poster Competition where we’ll be awarding prizes for the best entries.
Prize presentations will take place at approximately 4.30pm
Food and drink will be made available from 1.00 pm and from 3.00 pm a further range of drinks (including some alcoholic beverages) will also be served.
This event is open to all Lydia Becker Institute/FBMH staff and postgrads but please register by Tuesday 28th February so we can get an indication of numbers for catering and any dietary requirements.
Register now via Eventbrite